Norfolk St, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 7SY

01282 612063

Lomeshaye Junior School


SEND and Inclusion 

Further Information

More details regarding the support we offer at School can be found in the document links below.

Local Offer 2023-2024

SIR 2023-2024

SEND Intent 2022-23

SEND Policy 2022-2023

EAL & EMA 2022-2023


Safeguarding Policy 2022-2023

Our Inclusive School

"Leaders have high ambitions for all pupils. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from a well-thought-out curriculum." (OFSTED, 2022)

Welcome to the SEND Page
My name is Mrs Kelly and I am the SENDCO (Special Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) here at Lomeshaye Junior School. I work in school full time and I am always happy to meet with parents to discuss any worries or concerns they have regarding their children who may have special educational needs. Please phone school and make an appointment to meet me – 01282 612063.

All children need support in many different ways. At Lomeshaye Junior School, we aim to give this support in a sensitive and purposeful way ensuring that each child is valued, has independence and is fully included in school life.  All children benefit from the expertise and care of our experienced teaching and support staff team. Although allocated to specific children, most children are unaware of who in the class is receiving specific support and all children benefit at some point from additional adult support and care. Children may work with support staff on a one to one basis or in small groups and the relationships developed, as well as the academic support given, have great benefits.

Understanding Children’s Needs

"Leaders have effective systems in place to identify pupils with SEND. They work in close partnership with parents, carers and feeder schools to help with this identification. Pupils with SEND have the support they need to study the full curriculum. These pupils achieve well across the different subject areas." (OFSTED, 2022)

We aim to meet a very wide range of children’s needs in school and this can often require a great deal of understanding. We ask that parents support us in our inclusive practice by showing sensitivity in understanding that all children are different and as such requires support in different ways. The diversity of needs that children encounter at school will help them to become tolerant, understanding individuals who can grow up in an increasingly diverse society.

Identification and Assessment:

  • We are committed to the early identification and intervention of children who may have SEND.
  •  Detailed observations are made in a variety of contexts as well as careful monitoring of the curriculum. We obtain information from parents/carers, and any relevant external professionals including records from  previous schools the children may have attended.
  • If further assessment is required we use external specialist teachers to help us to determine the child’s strengths and areas to be developed. We can then identify and implement the appropriate strategies for the child.
  • The graduated approach used in school, recognises that there is a continuum of needs. This is recommended in the SEN Code of Practice and is in line with the Local Authority (LA) policy.
  • If a teacher identifies a child who may have SEND it may be necessary to devise an Individual Education Plan (IEP). This sets out any arrangements that are additional to and different from the usual curriculum. The teacher liaises with the SENDCO and parents/carers and involves them in setting targets and strategies. These are shared with the child and reviewed each half-term/term, or as appropriate.
  • Further advice and professional support is sought and implemented as is considered necessary for the individual needs of the children.
  • If adequate progress is not made after a substantial period of intervention and review, the teacher, in consultation with the parents/carers, may conclude that further support and advice is needed. In some cases, outside professionals from health, social services, support services or the education psychological service may be involved with the child. A new IEP will be drawn up in consultation with the parents/carers.
  • The IEP is continually under review to ensure that the appropriate targets set provide success for the child and progress is made. The parents/carers and children are always involved.
  • In very few cases it may be necessary for the school to consider, in consultation with the parents and any outside agencies involved, whether An Education Health and Care Plan may be necessary (previously Statement). We use the LA guidance to help make any such decisions. If, in rare cases, the child's needs are considered to be severe and complex, an Education Health and Care Plan of special educational needs may be issued by the LA

Worries or Concerns?
As always, if you are worried about your child in any way, please do not hesitate to come into school and ask your child’s class teacher. Quite often, a worry can have a simple answer or reassurance. Don’t just worry at home- come and talk about it.

It is worth remembering that if you are concerned about your child’s progress, it is always worth having his/her vision and/ or hearing checked, as even the slightest sensory difficulties can impact on a child’s concentration and performance, as can tiredness.

Please also remember it is important that we know of any regular medication taken by your child, or any recurring illnesses/allergies such as chest infections, headaches, earache etc so that we can look out for any signs of illness. You will be asked to complete a form to ensure your child’s medical needs are met in school. If your child suffers from asthma please inform us and provide your child with a blue inhaler that can be kept in school in case of emergency. It is also important to ensure that contact details are kept up to date in case of an emergency.

Support at home
One of the simplest and most effective ways for your child to access some additional support is at home. Please continue to read and write with your child at home and support him/her with any homework tasks and follow this up by writing in your child’s home school journal. If you are experiencing any difficulties with this, please let us know – we may be able to help.

Lancashire Special Education Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Team offer support and advice to parents and carers of children with SEND. See the "FIND Newsletter on this page...