Year 5
A look back at the
second part
Spring Term '24...
Reading Throughout this term, Year 5 have enjoyed exploring a range of fiction texts with a focus on intonation and expression. We have focused on the importance of marking punctuation to determine the impact on the reader. Following on from this, we made thoughtful predictions using information that is stated and implied in a text. We loved reading the text of ‘The Unknown Forest’ to practise this skill. Excitingly, World Book Day arrived this term! Each class read a poem by Dr Seuss which was learnt by heart to later perform. 5 Beech: The Zaks 5 Cedar: The Ruckus 5 Larch: The Sneetches. These produced some fantastic outcomes – check them out below! |
English The Invention of Hugo Cabret has left Year 5 longing to read more! We have been using the story of Hugo Cabret to plan and write our own witness report. At the beginning of the unit, we explored different characters within the story and made inferences about them to write a diary entry. We enjoyed comparing the book and film adaptation of Hugo Cabret, it was interesting to identify the notable differences in each. Year 5 have become expert dictionary dynamos and thinking thesauruses when coming across unfamiliar vocabulary. Finally, when planning for our end outcome, some of our amazing teachers got involved, putting their acting skills to the test in a ‘school crime scene’. The learners were witness to this and produced some fantastic witness statements to help bring the culprit (Mr Cooper) to justice! |
Maths What hardworking, problem solving Leaners we have had in Maths this term! We have seen a huge improvement in attitudes, with learners exciting to practise their existing skills in our retrieval starters, whilst remaining engaged and dedicated in our daily initial problems. To begin with, we explored the rules of divisibility – looking at rules to support the identification of multiples of a number. The learners loved investigating this, putting different numbers to the test! Following this, we explored factors and prime numbers with the learners now being experts at deciding whether a number is prime or composite! Later, we looked at different units of measure and how to convert between these – adding real life contexts to show the learners where they might use this skill in real life. This included the contexts of baking, travelling distances and weight! Towards the end of our maths unit, we have explored reflection, co-ordinates and translation where learners have had to concentrate carefully using success criteria to support their success! |
Science This term, as scientists, we have been exploring the differences between reversible and irreversible changes. We have conducted a range of fun and exciting experiments to test our driver question, ‘Can we always get back what we started with?’ To begin with, we explored the differences between melting and dissolving – observing what happened when sugar and butter were added to hot and cold water. Following this we used a range of materials to test whether they were soluble or insoluble. Furthermore, we decided on our own investigation to test dissolvability and discussed how to conduct a fair test e.g. will temperature impact the rate in which a substance dissolved. Finally, we looked at further processes to separate materials and substances using a range of scientific equipment such as sieving and filtering. We have enjoyed this unit, particularly when discovering some changes are irreversible such as baking and burning, and some are reversible such as evaporating water from sugar. |
History The Golden Age of Islam |
A look back at
the first part of
Spring Term '24...
This term in reading, Year 5 have been exploring a range on non-fiction texts related to space to coincide with our English Science fiction unit. We have been looking at the layout of a non-fiction text and how the different features can help us to navigate our way round the book. In addition to this, we practised our scanning skills, locating key phrases and using text marking to help order the events. Furthermore, we have been reading about key scientific figures and their contributions to science, answering questions to demonstrate our new-found knowledge. We have some aspiring scientists in our year group!
What an incredible term we have had in English! We have been getting our ‘spooky’ hats on to explore a range of science fiction books
where aliens and UFOs came out to play!
Out of all of the books explored, ET has been our favourite, where many of our learners have empathised with his ordeal! To begin our unit, we explored a range of science fiction toys – ranging from power rangers to robotic dragons, where we put our skills to test as a toy reviewer! Following this, we explored a range of science fiction stories –these included Aquila, the Smeds and the Smoos and Nurf the Alien. Finally, we explored the exciting events of ET, experiencing the wide range of emotions you would feel should a friendly alien come to town! This resulted in some incredible stories full of drama, suspense and empathy!
What hardworking, resilient leaners we have had in maths this term! We are so proud of each and every learner this term and all that they have accomplished. We have seen a huge improvement in attitudes, with learners excited to practise their existing skills in our retrieval starters, whilst remaining engaged and dedicated in our daily problems. Learners have worked collaboratively, sharing the different approaches they would use to solve problems with their peers, whilst remaining respectful of other people’s viewpoints at all times! We began our term by learning to tell the time to the nearest minute – a concept some of our learners found quite tricky! Moving on from this, we looked at interpreting information in timetables where we used timelines to support our understanding. Later we consolidated our place value knowledge, where we confidently explored positive and negative numbers. Finally exploring different approaches to number, looking for the most efficient strategy to solve problems. Our favourite learning of the term was looking at the different rules of divisibility – who knew times tables could be so interesting?
During this half-term, learners have displayed their incredible scientific approach to learning to understand materials and their properties! As scientists, learners explored materials and their properties through classroom testing as well as researching secondary sources. This enabled learners to secure their understanding of scientific vocabulary, material properties as well as the use of a material based on its properties. To support their findings, learners used comparative testing to investigate the absorbency of materials and write a detailed report as well as make recommendations to those who want to buy products based on the materials ability to absorb effectively.
Curriculum Newsletter Autumn Term 1