Norfolk St, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 7SY

01282 612063

Lomeshaye Junior School


Year 6

Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter Summer 2

Borwick Hall Parents Meeting

Curriculum Newsletter Summer 1

Evolution and Inheritance - Knowledge Organiser - Summer 1

A look back at the

second part


Spring Term '24...

Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2

Light - Knowledge Organiser Spring 2

A look back at the first part of

Spring Term '24...

Another fantastic half term had by all! Our Year 6 learners have worked exceptionally hard and we are immensely proud of their efforts.


In our English lessons this half term, our focus has been on exploring classic fiction, specifically in preparation for writing our own version of "The Wizard of Oz".

Our learners have delved into descriptive writing by creating their own vivid cyclone descriptions. Using their imagination, they painted a picture through words bringing the swirling chaos of a cyclone to life.


We can't wait to see the final results of their hard work and creative prowess when they present their own versions of "The Wizard of Oz"! Well done to all our budding authors!         

In computing lessons, our learners have become website designers. They've been getting hands-on experience in creating and designing their very own websites. 


Using their creativity, they have been able to bring their ideas to life on the virtual page, using different colours, fonts, and layouts to make their websites visually appealing and user-friendly.



During our science lessons this half term, the learners explored the incredible human heart and its vital role in our circulatory system. We discovered the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and how exercise affects the heart.


To put our scientific knowledge into practice, we planned and conducted a fair test investigation.  


        This involved comparing the heart rate before, during, and after exercise, and analysing the results. By undertaking this fair test investigation, we not only honed our scientific enquiry skills but also developed an appreciation for the wonders of our own bodies.

KS2 Sats Information for Parents


About the KS2 Tests

Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1

Curriculum Newsletter Autumn Term 1 

Mr. Heseldon explains Home Learning Expectations

Curriculum Newsletter Autumn Term 1 

Knowledge Organiser

Learning Organisers Autumn Term 1